_ Provide a critical and conceptual repertoire on historical and current trend on technological poetics
_ Introduce and discuss critical approaches and perspectives to the area
_ Present the most important artists in languages such as intermedia, expanded cinema, video art, net art and contemporary audiovisual performance, with an emphasis in Brazilian artists

The course aim to offer critical interpretation of contemporary poetics that organize themselves around technological devices, covering a bibliography and a repertoire not always discussed, considering the specificities of its discourse, that also demands interdisciplinary dialogs.

Reflections on technological poetics from the 1950s to current days, through cultural trends and their relationship with interdisciplinary knowledge. The course will develop through the reading of texts, theoretical classes and seminars that will focus on key artists and thinkers.

[1] 15 mar Brief presentation of the semester (with short discussion of international terminologies and approaches to concepts such as media art and audiovisual performance), followed by Cornelia Lund discussion of Intermedia Art in Germany during the 1960s (and some relations to Brazil)

[2] 22 mar Cornelia Lund presents contemporary approaches to Experimental Audiovisual Languages

[3] 29 mar will be a holiday, we will try to ask if the students could meet earlier on the week, to allow for a third encounter to be conducted by Cornelia Lund

[4] 5 apr Experimental Cinema and Video Art (Marcus Bastos)

[5] 12 apr Net Art and Remix Cultures (Marcus Bastos)

[6] 19 apr Locative Art and Real Time on Audiovisual Performance (Marcus Bastos)

[7] 26 apr Art, representation and language (Silvia Laurentiz)

[8] 3 may Information, data and metadata (Silvia Laurentiz)

[9] 10 may Neuroscience and Aesthetics (Silvia Laurentiz)

[10] 17 may Object oriented onthology (Silvia Laurentiz)

[11-14] 24 may – 14 jun Seminars

[15] 21 jun Wrappin Up

Grading will consider participation on classes, presentation of seminar and writing of final paper.

BASTOS, Marcus. Limiares das Redes: escritos sobre arte e cultura contemporânea. São Paulo: Intermeios, 2014.
CARVALHO, Ana e LUND, Cornelia. The Audiovisual Breakthrough. Berlin: fluctuating-images, 2015.
CHOMSKY, Noam. A Ciência da Linguagem. Ed. Unesp, 2012.
DISSANAYAKE, Ellen. The Artification Hypothesis and Its Relevance to Cognitive Science, Evolutionary Aesthetics, and Neuroaesthetics, Cognitive Semiotics, Issue 5 (Fall 2009), pp. 148-173 in https://www.degruyter.com/downloadpdf/j/cogsem.2009.5.issue-fall2009/cogsem.2009.5.fall2009.136/cogsem.2009.5.fall2009.136.pdf (acessado em 2017)
HALL, Stuart. Cultura e Representação, Ed. PUC-RJ, 2016.
HARMAN, Graham. Immaterialism: Objects and Social Theory (Theory Redux), Polity Press, Malden, MA, USA, 2016.
HARMAN, Graham. Art without relations, 2014. In https://artreview.com/features/september_2014_graham_harman_relations/ (acessado em 2017).
HOWELLS, Richard e NEGREIROS, Joaquim. Visual Culture (2nd edition), Polite Press, Maldern (MA), USA, 2012.
IANNINI, Gilson, GARCIA, Douglas e FREITAS, Romero (orgs.). Antologia de Textos Estéticos, ed. Civilização Brasileira, RJ, 2015.
ISHIZU, Tomohiro e ZEKI, Semir. Toward A Brain-Based Theory of Beauty. Published: July 6, 2011https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0021852 In http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article/file?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0021852&type=printable (acessado em 2017).
LAURENTIZ, Silvia. Sensoriality and Conformed Thought, Springer, Cham, pg. 217-225, Anais International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction, 2015
LAURENTIZ, Silvia. Tags e metatags? De Ted Nelson a Tim Berners-Lee, REVISTA PORTO ARTE: PORTO ALEGRE, V. 17, Nº 28, MAIO/2010.
LUND, Cornelia; Lund, Holger. Audio Visual: on Visual and Related Media. Stuttgart: Arnoldsche, 2009.
MORAN, Patricia. Cinemas Transversais. São Paulo: Iluminuras, 2016.
SPIELMANN, Yvonne. Video — The Reflexive Medium. Cambridge (MA): MIT Press, 2008.
ZIZEK, Slavoj. A Visão em paralaxe, BoiTempo Editorial, SP, 2012.